

Known as yoga’s sister science, Ayurveda is an ancient healing system from India that promotes a life of balance through understanding the natural elements and rhythms of one’s own unique constitution. The word “Ayurveda” comes from two Sanskrit words: ayur translates to life, and veda to knowledge. When you practice Ayurveda, you are practicing the knowledge of life. Together we will identify diet and lifestyle techniques that are specially attuned to your individual nature by using the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and applying it to a modern-day lifestyle.


An Ayurvedic consultation consists of an initial consultation, followed by two additional check-ins. During the initial consultation, clients will undergo a complete medical and lifestyle history assessment, physical evaluation, pulse reading, and tongue examination. Together, we will create a path directed toward balance and nourishment for the mind, body, and soul. Clients will receive a clear, personalized diet and lifestyle program customized to their goals, concerns, and style of living within 48 hours. Protocols may include food and herbal recommendations, daily and seasonal routines, lifestyle modifications, simple yoga and meditation practices, and breathing techniques. 

During follow-up visits, your state of health will be re-assessed through an Ayurvedic lens. Examining how your body and mind have responded to the Ayurvedic program will allow the protocol’s diet and lifestyle recommendations to be fine-tuned. 

Consultations are meant to promote positive health and longevity through holistic Ayurvedic healing systems. Clients will walk away with tools to live healthier in their daily lives, possessing a greater knowledge of Ayurvedic practices.